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      The 4 most Effective steps to mitigate Account Theft

      The 4 most Effective steps to mitigate Account Theft

      The migration of means to the Cloud has been the common denominator in company business strategies over the last two years, coupled with the rising number of incidents involving the theft of sensitive information and user passwords on Cloud platforms. According to the Verizon Data Breach Report 2021, in 2020 real-time security incidents were detected, …

      Wi-Fi and its relationship with the zero-trust model

      Wi-Fi and its relationship with the zero-trust model

      Zero-trust network architecture (ZTNA) provides a holistic view of business cybersecurity that secures your applications and environment when accessed by any user, device, or location. A comprehensive zero-trust model enables you to mitigate, detect and respond to threats. Adopting ZTNA brings significant benefits to businesses it supports rapid Cloud adoption and user security, which is …

      What Is Ransomcloud?

      What Is Ransomcloud?

      Tech decision makers surveyed by Pulse admitted last time that nearly 3 out of 4 companies (71%) endured a ransomware incident and at least 12 of these incidents involved payments. This shows that ransomware attacks are proving to be a economic business for vicious cyber actors as they constantly put associations’ cybersecurity measures to the …

      The Game Changer to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

      The Game Changer to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

      MFA is a must-have if you are looking to purchase cyber insurance for your business Recent cybersecurity incidents and ransomware attacks have increased, driving companies to apply for cyber insurance. When doing so, companies have been facing one newpre-requisite to come eligible multi-factor authentication protection of your users and assets. How to get started when …